Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Address by President Maia Sandu on May 9th

Commissioner Johannes Hahn,

Dear Moldovans, dear Europeans!

Christ is Risen! 

Welcome to the European City we are opening today, in the Great National Assembly Square of Chisinau, together with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Delegation of the European Union in Chisinau.

Today marks a day of double significance for Moldova and for the entire world. On May 8, 1945, victory over Nazism was proclaimed, ending a war that brought much death. May 9, 1945 was the first day of peace in Europe, a peace that we believed to be forever.

Victory Day over Nazism and Europe Day are not contradictory, on the contrary, Europe Day is a continuation of the victory of the Allies that made peace possible. Victory Day means a Day of Peace on the European continent.

The Second World War took 60 million lives from all the countries of the world. Moldova was also caught in this battlefield and experienced the horrors and cruelty of war to the fullest. No matter how much some politicians try to divide us, to split us into "winners" and "losers", to tell us that we are different, we know that the wounds of war are the same for all of Moldova.

Over 260 thousand residents of our land fought against Nazi Germany - Moldovans, Romanians, Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Gagauz, Bulgarians. And nearly 56 thousand people who never returned home from the war are our pain, they are Moldova’s pain.

No one who has seen and lived the war from the trenches can speak about it triumphantly. The memory of those killed is not a reason to celebrate, but a lesson to be imprinted in the soul. With these thoughts in mind, we commemorated the victims of the Second World War at the "Eternitate" memorial complex this morning. We Moldovans honor our dead in silence.

Especially since today, war is waging in Europe, again. And we can no longer enjoy the guarantee of peace, as we did for 7 decades. The war started by Russia in Ukraine is an insult to those who gave their lives for peace between the peoples of Europe.

When it comes to war and peace, the choice is clear: (we choose) to defend our family, homeland and peace. Let's do everything in our power, each of us, politicians and citizens alike, so that there is good understanding and peace in our home. Like in a big family.

Victory in World War II and the peace that followed it were achieved because of two essential things: the united effort of the Allied nations to oppose evil, and the national resistance of each individual country. The day the war was stopped leaves us with the painful memory of death and suffering.

But this day also marks the step that led to the most important rebirth of the European continent. The creation of the European Union guaranteed and guarantees peace between its member states.

I urge you not to let anyone draw boundaries between us. Let us mourn our dead together, keep the memory of our heroes alive and work together for peace. Peace is not an ideological notion. We want peace because we love our home and our family.

And because peace is our priority, Moldova chooses the European Union. Joining the EU puts the Republic of Moldova on a path of development that will offer our citizens a peaceful and safe future at home. And European Moldova means a Moldova with strong, reliable friends, with whom we can be safe.

The European Union was created on these principles, and the unity of European countries in recent decades has demonstrated its sustainability. European citizens have salaries and pensions that are several times higher than those of Moldovan citizens, they are guaranteed free movement, they can find a job in any country they want, and European life expectancy is 10 years higher than that of Moldovans.

European entrepreneurs operate on a large and stable market. And most importantly, all 500 million European citizens live in harmony and peace, each free to promote and strengthen their traditions and culture.

We know all these benefits. Now it's up to us to make Moldova a European state by 2030. No one can stop us if we are determined to step forward, together, resolutely, for Moldova.

In October, Moldovans will vote on the future of the country in the referendum regarding Moldova's accession to the EU.

Come take part in the referendum - as many of you as possible, those from our villages and towns and those from the diaspora. Let's build our future together. Let's not let others decide our fate for us. Let's show the whole world how strong we are together.

And until then, let's work, side by side, to build a European Moldova, a country where there is a place for all its citizens. Where institutions and laws work in the interest of the people. Where everyone can realize their potential, where people are equal and free, regardless of ethnicity, language spoken, political or religious preferences.

And I emphasize one important thing - we don't want to go somewhere. We want to stay at home. And let the European Union be home.

We want our loved ones who have left the country to want to come back home, or if they stay where they are, we want to be able to see each other without borders, without limitations, without high ticket prices, without customs between states. We want to be a strong and independent country, among civilized countries. And (we want) be proud of Moldova!

European countries appreciate our customs, beautiful villages, unique cuisine and wine, the taste of Moldovan fruits and vegetables, they respect our humanity and dignity. Everything we love about our nation and related to Moldova will be even stronger in the European family.

Long live the European Union! Long live European Moldova!