Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Speeches and Messages

Address by Maia Sandu, President of the Republic of Moldova, at the opening of the Justice and Anticorruption Reforms Forum

Good morning, Thank you for organizing this discussion. It is important to talk about the essence of things that are happening and those that are not happening, because, as happens in other fields sometimes, the discussions are superficial, and here we are dealing with reform that needs to be understood, discussed, the problems must be seen and, of course, we must encourage the successes.

Speech by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Ms. Maia Sandu, in front of students and teachers of the Comrat State University (CDU)

Dear Rector, Dear student, colleagues, friends, Thank you for your presence today at Comrat University. I am grateful to Mr. Rector, Mr. Zaharia, and the leadership of the autonomy for the invitation. As always, I am glad to be in Comrat. I am grateful also for the warm welcome that the Gagauz people are famous for. Gagauzia is an integral part of the cultural, social, economic and political life of the Republic of Moldova.

President’s Maia Sandu address at the Second Summit of the Crimea Platform

Dear President Zelensky, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, We met in Kyiv a year ago to voice our strong support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, including Crimea. The Crimea Platform was established with an understanding that the international order only works when it is based on rules, inviolability of borders, non-use of force, non-interference in internal affairs, respect for human rights and economic development. Few imagined that all of these would be shattered.