Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president attends solemn parliament meeting on 25th anniversary of Tricolour's designation as State Flag

President Nicolae Timofti today attended a solemn parliament meeting dedicated to the marking the 25th anniversary of the official designation of the State Flag.

The president delivered the following speech to those present:

„Dear fellow citizens,

Honourable Parliament

Ladies and gentlemen,

In this solemn atmosphere, of honouring the state flag of Moldova, we recall, inevitably, that already historical time, when we raised above us the colours blue, yellow and red.

First, we demonstrated on streets, wrapped in the tricolour flag, with burning eyes, full of pride and hope.

Afterwards, in the parliament, in 1990, we signed that act, under which we approved the Tricolour as the official symbol of the Republic of Moldova.

This was a sign of restoration of the historical memory.

Our flag, sprinkled with blood during hard times, symbolises the state’s past, present and future, shows its democratic principles and the historical tradition of the people.

Let us bow our foreheads in memory of all those who died under the Tricolour, in the name of our country's independence and a decent future for the generations to come.

/pause for recollection/

Ladies and gentlemen,

For 25 years, we have been raising the Tricolour marked with the state coat of arms, at ceremonies and other festivities. We should also hoist it on regular days, to cultivate and maintain the patriotic spirit among citizens, especially among the younger ones.

I am particularly grateful to the troops, as well as civilians , who show deep respect for the Tricolour and serve it with honour and faith.

We remember with heartfelt emotion the times when the state flag paraded at international competitions won by Moldovan athletes, whom I thank for giving us the opportunity to take pride in them and our country.

The beautiful and the stirring events taking place today in Chisinau and in other settlements, on the Day of the State Flag and Coat of Arms, are extremely important in strengthening the civic and patriotic spirit in our country.

I believe that all these years we have tried to live up to the tricolour, its symbolic significance.

It is true that not all decisions taken and actions made in this state have been in line with the significance of the Tricolour.

The only thing we can do henceforth is to prove ourselves worthy of the three colours and determined in everything we do, unshaken, without returning to the past.

There were times when the state flag was treated without respect and even hostility.

But no one has managed to take it down from the mast, much less pluck it from our hearts.

I am confident that, in this complicated regional situation, we will remain united under the tricolour.

EU integration takes place under the same flag, in the name of the patriots who waved the flag during our country’s coming into being.

They had the same belief, positioning Moldova among the civilized nations of the Greater Europe.

I am sure that one day, under the same flag, we will mark this event as well - our return to the European space.

Honour the Tricolour!

Thank you!”