Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president congratulates Romanian counterpart on birthday

President Nicolae Timofti sent a congratulatory message to Romanian President Traian Basescu on his birthday on 4 November.

The message said:

"Your Excellency,

On the occasion of your birthday, I convey the sincerest  and most cordial congratulations, along with wishes of long life, good health and happiness to you personally, as well as happiness and prosperity for the entire family.

On this occasion, I want to express my gratitude for Romania's unreserved support provided to Moldova during the ten years of you leading the Romanian state.

Due to the determination and energy you have backed Moldova's cause, we got the status of country associated to the EU and visa liberalisation.

I am sure that the good relations of friendship and cooperation between Moldova and Romania, which experienced a high rise in recent years, will continue developing with the same intensity for the benefit of  both countries' citizens.

With special brotherly feelings,

Nicolae Timofti.”