Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan, Romanian presidents tackle political situation by phone

President Nicolae Timofti today held a phone conversation with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.

The dialogue, initiated by President Nicolae Timofti, was focused on the analysis of the post-electoral political developments in Moldova.

The president informed his Romanian counterpart about the negotiations on forming a parliamentary majority. Timofti said he was convinced that the leaders of the parliamentary parties would comply with the legal terms for the creation of a ruling coalition, to ensure the continuity of Moldova's European integration.

President Klaus Iohannis expressed hope that the Moldovan parliament would vote a representative government with a strong European agenda as soon as possible.

Klaus Iohannis said that Moldova could count on Romania's support to achieve its strategic goal of rapprochement with the EU.

The two presidents agreed that currently the necessary conditions for a state visit of the Romanian president to Chisinau, scheduled for 22-23 January, were not met.

Nicolae Timofti and Klaus Iohannis established that the visit be rescheduled for a later date, after the leadership bodies of the parliament are elected and a new government of Moldova is sworn in office.