Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu, at the summit of the European Political Community: "I was happy to see the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, in Moldova again"

At the summit of the European Political Community, President Maia Sandu thanked the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, for his support and presence. "I was happy to see Emmanuel Macron in Moldova again, during the summit of the European Political Community, hosted by our country. I thanked him for the initiative to create this dialogue platform, so necessary in the times that the whole of Europe is going through. European countries must work more closely than ever to stop the barbaric war waged by Russia in Ukraine and restore peace on the continent," said the head of state.

The president also mentioned: "In the effort to join the European Union, our country enjoys unprecedented support and solidarity from France, for which I once again thanked President Macron. Moldova will capitalize on this support to contribute to the strengthening of democracy in the community bloc and its vicinity. Moldova is Europe and we will demonstrate this through concrete reforms".