Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu awarded the "Order of Honor" to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Bogdan Aurescu

Today, the head of state conferred the "Order of Honor" upon Bogdan Aurescu, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania.

According to the decree, the distinction was offered to the former head of diplomacy from Bucharest, who currently serves as an advisor to President Iohannis for foreign policy, as a sign of high appreciation for the contribution made to strengthening relations between the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The same applies to the strengthening of the strategic partnership between the two states.

After the Republic of Moldova submitted its application to join the European Union, Bogdan Aurescu continuously prioritized our country on the agenda of the member states in Brussels. Thus, he made a significant contribution to the advancement of our country's European path and to the promotion of common interests within the institutions of the European Union.