Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Press Releases

President Maia Sandu discussed security, anti-corruption measures, and energy resilience in Munich

On the first day of the Munich Security Conference, President Maia Sandu participated in a round table dedicated to the experience of different countries and international organisations in fighting corruption, where she spoke about the commitment of the Moldovan authorities to eliminate this scourge from our country while sanctioning all those who embezzled public money. To combat this phenomenon, the head of state called for closer cooperation between various European countries' investigative and law enforcement bodies.

The Head of State met the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen

President Maia Sandu welcomed the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, who stopped in Chisinau after a visit to Ukraine. "This is the first visit of a head of the Danish government to the Republic of Moldova and I am sure that this meeting will give a new impetus to bilateral relations and will strengthen our cooperation in the context of the European integration of the country," said President Maia Sandu.