Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Igor Dodon: "More than 70 children from the northern regions of Moldova visited today the presidency"

"More than 70 children from the northern regions of Moldova visited today the presidency

"The students learned a lot about the activities of the presidential administration, sat in the president's chair, talked with representatives of the presidential staff and walked through the halls, in which official meetings are organized," Igor Dodon said.

Together with that, next Friday the Head of State will receive children from the southern regions of the republic and Gagauzia.

"We plan to continue this good practice after the New Year. Twice a month we will meet 50-60 children from each district of Moldova. In 2018, we expect that at least 2-3 children from each settlement visit us, "Dodon assured.

The charity fund of the First Lady of Galina Dodon presented sweets and warm clothes to children on the eve of the New Year holidays.