Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president meets Russian official of consumer protection sector

Moldovan President Igor Dodon met with Ana Popova, head of the Federal Service for Consumer Protection and Human Welfare Surveillance of the Russian Federation, today.

There were addressed several topics related to the export of agro-food production on the Russian market, elimination of customs tariffs on certain product categories, solving of problems related to the extension of the list of exporters of horticultural products during the meeting.

Within the course of the dialogue, the head of state noted that following the agreements he had with Russian President Vladimir Putin, exports of fruits and vegetables to the Russian market has increased substantially in some categories of products – about 20 times, apples almost 3 times, apricots, cherries and sweet-cherries 1.4 times, wine – 1.5 times. Also, about 180 companies obtained the right to export their own production on the Russian market.

The President expressed his interest in the elimination of customs duties on five categories of products out of 19, which were subject to taxes in 2014. This will allow for an increase in exports to Moldova's agri-food products.

Also, Igor Dodon called for the possibility of expanding the list of Moldovan fruits and vegetable, wine, canning and meat companies that would benefit from the right to export to the Russian market. At present, there are 13 wine companies and three canning companies are under examination.

At the end of the meeting, the head of state thanked for removing restrictions on the passage of fruits and vegetables at customs in the Russian Federation. It is now possible to clear the production (vegetables and fruits) at any customs point of the Russian Federation which is authorized to record that production.

Similarly, the President noted that the issue of access to the Russian market for fruits and vegetable cans and wine, which is currently being carried out only at the border crossing point in Breansk, remains an issue and needs to be addressed.

"We continue to facilitate Moldovan producers' access to the Russian market. I will also discuss all the issues at the meeting which I have with Vladimir Putin in Sochi next week," said Dodon.