Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Dodon called historical the visit of the Vice-President of Bulgaria to Moldova

At the invitation of the Head of State, on October 5, Vice-President of the Republic of Bulgaria Iliiana Iotova arrived in the Republic of Moldova on a working visit. Igor Dodon noted on his page in the social network, that this was a historic visit - for the first time in 25 years of diplomatic relations between our countries. During this time, relations of strong friendship based on mutual respect have developed between the two states.

“During the meeting with the Vice-President of the Republic of Bulgaria, I highly appreciated the political dialogue established between our states. I also spoke for the activation of high-level contacts and stressed that the current visit of Mrs. Iliana Iotova represented a good opportunity for a comprehensive exchange of views on the issues of common interest on the agenda of bilateral relations and for defining new strategic goals and objectives for expanding and deepening cooperation in various areas of common interest”, Igor Dodon told upon the results of the meeting.

The Head of State also expressed gratitude to the Bulgarian authorities for the technical assistance in the project "Local Development in Taraclia", financial assistance in the construction, improvement and equipping of seven water distribution stations supplying drinking water with modern equipment, as well as repairing the roof of the hostel of Taraclia State University. He also pointed to the high interest in cooperation in the field of agriculture by establishing contacts between agricultural institutions from both countries, creating joint ventures for processing and conservation of fruits and vegetables.

Considering the forthcoming transition to Bulgaria the presidency in the Council of the EU in the first half of 2018, Igor Dodon called for intensification of cooperation in this direction. The Head of State underlined that one of the priorities of the Republic of Moldova is the full use of opportunities related to regional cooperation and that our country highly appreciated the dialogue and cooperation with the Republic of Bulgaria in the regional cooperation in South-Eastern Europe.

The President noted the contribution of the Bulgarian ethnic community of the Republic of Moldova to the process of consolidation and modernization of our country and welcomed the decision of Taraclia City Council on the establishment of the Bulgarian ethno cultural center "Gaydabula" in the south of the country. Also the parties agreed on signing an agreement, providing for the continuation of activities of the University named after Grigory Tsamblak in Taraclia within Consortium with two Bulgarian universities: the University of Rousse, and the University of Veliko Tyrnovo.

Also, Igor Dodon handed an official invitation to Bulgarian President Rumen Radev to visit the Republic of Moldova in the near future. Tomorrow, together with Iliana Iotova, the Head of State will make a trip to Taraclia region of Moldova.