Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

The Government of the Russian Federation extended the preferential regime for local exporters

Igor Dodon, President of the country has announced an important news for manufacturers from Moldova. The Government of the Russian Federation has made the decision to extend for Moldovan producers preferential export regime for five categories of goods, which was in force January the 1 – July the 1, 2019.

The President of the country expressed his gratitude towards our Russian partners and the confidence that the Moldovan-Russian commercial-economic ties will get a new impulse, which will allow a significant increase in the volume of commercial changes.

Also, Igor Dodon was convinced that the appointment as Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, co-chair of the Moldovan-Russian Intergovernmental Commission of Mr. Vasile Shova and his first working meeting with Dmitrii Patrushev, co-chairman of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Agriculture of Russian Federation - will create favorable conditions for the plenary relaunch of bilateral relations at the level of our countries’ governments.

Noting that following the agreements Igor Dodon had with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, in October 2018, the Russian government took the decision to cancel the taxes for some categories of Moldovan goods, starting with January 1, 2019.

Due to this fact, between January and May 2019, the volume of four categories of the exported goods increased significantly compared to the same period of the year 2018. Thus, the export of vegetables increased from 360 tons to about 2370 tons, or 6.6 times. The export of apples has increased from 100,000 to about 167 thousand tons, or 67%. The preserved products recorded an increase of 1.5 times - from 1275 to around 1940 tons in the reference period. At the same time, the volume of wine production increased from 5 million to near 7.7 million liters, or 52%. The preferential scheme has allowed exporters in Moldova to save hundreds of millions of lei.