Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

More heads of state convey congratulatory messages on Independence Day

President Nicolae Timofti today received congratulatory messages on Independence Day from more heads of state.

U.S. President Barack Obama, Romanian President Klaus Werner Iohannis, French President François Hollande, German President Joachim Gauck, Russian President Vladimir Putin, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukașenko, King Philippe of Belgium, King Wilhelm-Alexander of Kingdom of the Netherlands, Hungarian President János Áder, Greek President  Prokopios V. Pavloulos, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, Czech President  Miloš Zeman, Swiss President Simonetta Sommaruga etc. conveyed congratulatory messages to this end.

Barack Obama: „The United States backs Moldova's European aspirations and considers it the best guarantor of security and prosperity of the country. We are glad to see continuous achievements of Moldova in strengthening the rule of law state, continuing reforms, ensuring a stable future. We know that the process of reformation is under development, and the Unites States is ready to help you.

The U.S.A. is committed to help Moldova keep territorial integrity and sovereignty".

Vladimir Putin: „I am sure that development of Russian-Moldovan relations in the spirit of friendship and cooperation corresponds to fundamental interests of citizens from both states and is in line with enhancing stability and regional and European security".

François Hollande: „I wish our friendship and cooperation relations to consolidate further. It is important to take advantage of these ties to cooperate in different sectors: francophony, exchange of experience on government, as well as to boost our economic relations.

I wish to develop with Moldova ties in the environment sector.

Klaus Werner Iohannis: "I was glad to meet again in Suceava, where I reconfirmed Romania's full support for Moldova's rapprochement with EU. 

Ensuring you my full support for the continuous development of the Strategic Partnership between our states, further consolidation of our common spiritual heritage, I ask you to receive, Mr. President, my high consideration".