Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

The First Lady foundation helped the family of Zakhariya to move to a new house

As promised earlier, President, Igor Dodon, today, on the eve of the Glorious Eve of Christ's Resurrection, he handed the keys to new house to the family of Zakhariya from the village of Ryshkova of the Criuleni district. The house was purchased with the support of “Din Suflet” Charitable Foundation.

Starting today, the nine children of the family who, unfortunately, not so long ago were left without a mother who suddenly died of an incurable disease, will live in a spacious house with everything necessary for a decent life. The house is located in the village of Cruglik near their native village. 

The president also made a surprise, to the 13-year-old son of the family - Gabriel, who enjoys playing the guitar, giving his personal guitar that Igor Dodon was playing during the student years.

Among the great and friendly family gifts, there were also cakes and products needed for the celebration meal.