Igor Dodon, the president of the country and the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova, held a briefing in which he made some findings and statements regarding the participation of Moldovan soldiers in military applications in Ukraine.
The Head of the State declared that it was been confirmed again that the current democratic government is willing to execute any indication of political overseas partners, whose main purpose is to join the Moldovan army to NATO, even if unofficially, and to involve it in the possible geo-political confrontations.
„We see how the Government is trying to make use of various legal tricks in order to involve Moldovans in NATO military exercises, and it is obvious that the Prime Minister takes advantage of the irresponsibility of some army leaders, that were infiltrated by unionist, anti-state and anti-neutrality liberals.
It is symptomatic the fact that the former defense ministers, once proposed by the Liberal party and Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, have created a common front with the current Government.
They openly advocate for joining NATO and quit the neutral status of Republic of Moldova. Their rhetoric is coordinated from the same military center which location is far away from our country „ specified Igor Dodon.
Also, the president of the country has mentioned that the international press that is affiliated to NATO structures accuses in unison his decision as the head of the state - to ban the participation of Moldovan soldiers in military exercises in Ukraine. This fact can be considered as evidence that his position on this subject disturbs Western decision-makers.
In this context, Igor Dodon declared that all these internal and external manifestations, shows the strategical importance for the West of the participation of Moldova in NATO military exercises. Although, both Government and the liberal-unionists leaders of the Ministry of Defense will always find justifications at the limit of legal procedures and constitutional provisions, to execute the command of political overseas patrons.
Considering all these political circumstances and in order to avoid such confusing situations in the future, the President of the country stated the following:
1. Adhering to the provisions of the art.87 para. (4) of the Constitution, art.25 and art. 29 of the National Defence act: as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova, I signed an order that prohibits the participation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Moldova in exercises, operations, studies, missions, trainings, courses and any other type of activities deployed abroad, without the prior consent, in this sense, of the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
About the intention or the necessity of leaving the territory of the Republic of Moldova, the leadership of the armed forces will first notify, in written form the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
Monthly, but no later than the 15th of the reporting month, the members of the Commend of Armed Forces, shall submit in written form to the Commander-in-Chief for coordination the Armed Forces' plan of activities with reference to international military cooperation, regardless of its type.
This Order should be communicated immediately to all the military personnel and it is mandatory for execution.
2. I categorically demand the resignation of the deputy Defence Minister, Ms. Gheorghe Galbura, who is currently serving as minister, for breaching the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
3. I order a command investigation in the Armed Forces, to identify the persons responsible for breaching the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and to apply them the penalty in the form of relegation of the military grade and relegation of their positions.
At the same time, the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces noted that, bearing in mind the fact that some heads of the Ministry of Defence acted in a self-imposed manner and contrary to the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, he described this as a serious disciplinary offense and a violation of the military oath.