Statement by Mr. Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Moldova, at the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly on celebrating the 75th anniversary of the United Nations

Mr. Secretary-General,
Mr. President of the General Assembly,
Distinguished delegates,


The year 2020 will remain in the history of the humanity as the year full of significant events – a year of re-evaluation of the contemporary world system and strengthening of our common efforts to overcome global challenges.

The 75th anniversary of the United Nations, overshadowed by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, is an opportunity for heads of state and governments to become aware of past shortcomings and agree on constructive cooperation in the future. It is a year in which multilateralism has become more relevant than ever, and the need to revive is imperative.

Founded in the glorious year of 1945 and continuously expanded from 50 founding states to 193 members today, the United Nations is the only global political platform for dialogue and cooperation. It represents the consolidated voice of the humanity.

The three pillars of the UN system – peace and security, human rights and development – have stood the test of time, reaffirming their importance.

Over the past 75 years, the UN has progressively developed the framework of international law, mediated conflicts, stabilized world tensions, advanced human rights standards, and rescued lives. However, much remains to be done to eradicate the heightened inequalities of the pandemic, to continue the fight against the causes and effects of the climate change. Unfortunately, not all treaties are respected by the Member States, and the security threats are becoming increasingly complex.

Discrimination, based on gender, origin, race, religion or disability, still persists in the world nowadays.

These circumstances motivate the call of the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, to participate in a global dialogue on the relevance of the UN for the future. Certainly, consulting the views of the people is crucial for the Organization to maintain its importance, to better serve the needs of humanity and for the Member States to increase their capacity to achieve the sustainable development goals.

Today we will adopt the Declaration on Celebratation of the United Nations 75th Anniversary. The text of this document is the product of discussion with the members of our societies and represents the outcome of solid negotiations between states. We all have agreed on an ambitious roadmap towards our common future.

A future that means a planet protected in real terms, not just in a declarative manner.

A future, in which the peace will become the supreme value, conflicts being prevented, possibly resolved at their initial phase.

In our common future, no one will be left behind, the international law will be complied with and continuously developed, and national governing institutions will enjoy the full confidence of the citizens.

By agreeing to improve the UN’s working methods, we, the Member States, will be able to cope with contemporary challenges, and the UN’s partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and academia, and civil society will be given a new impetus to get strengthened.

Undoubtedly, the future involves sustainable funding and improved digital cooperation.


We have a common vision, reconfirmed today.

As Secretary General Antonio Guterres once said, “No country or community can solve the complex problems of our world alone.”

The Republic of Moldova fully supports the collective effort to achieve the objectives set out in the Anniversary Declaration and is committed to contribute to the common response to the major challenges, which the UN and the international community are facing.

Thank you.