The head of state handed high state distinctions to members of the "Millenium"

The President of the country took part in the jubilee concert of the group "Millenium" entitled as "20 years - as a whole millennium", which was held under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Moldova in the National Palace named after Nicolae Sulac.

In recognition of the special merits in the development of musical art, for the significant contribution to the promotion of spiritual and moral values, as well as for his high professional skills, the head of state awarded:

"Order of the Republic" ("Ordinul Republicii") - impresario and group leader Vladimir GORGOS;

Honorary title "Master of Arts" ("Maestru în Artă") - composer Nicolae CARAGIA, as well as soloist of the group "Millenium" Olga GORCHINSCHI;

Honorary title "Artist Emerit" - soloist-instrumentalist "Millenium" Alexander ZGUREANU.

«Millenium» - is one of the most longevian musical bands in our country. For the years of its existence, the Millenium group has given a start to the life of many talented young performers, including Natalia Barbu, Nadin Trohin, Victoria Mahu, Natalia Gordienco, Alex Calancea, Alexandru Gorgos, Aliona Triboi and others.

"Millenium" also glorified the Republic of Moldova at various international competitions and festivals, taking first places and main prizes.