Moldovan president informs about provisions of law returned to parliament, on which Democrats insist

President Igor Dodon on 19 September found out that Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu had manipulated the public opinion as regards the draft laws the head of the returned to parliament for reconsideration.

The president noted that the law he had not promulgated and which the parliament was willing to urgently revote referred to subjects of major importance for Moldova and the needed arguments were presented on each law he had not promulgated.   

“Thus, I have blocked the law aimed at liquidating the Academy of Sciences (ASM) and which practically leads to the isolation of the national education system from the international one. In this way, we run the risk that our diplomas are no longer recognized. Moreover, I am absolutely sure that the real goal of these initiatives is to dispossess the Academy of Science of the patrimony it owns: buildings, lands and sell them. On the other hand, I am sure that the science will disappear in Moldova simultaneously with the disappearance of the Academy of Sciences,” Igor Dodon said.  

Also, the Moldovan president blocked the amendments proposed by the parliament to the Labour Code, which stipulate: reducing the deadline of the additional unpaid child-care leave by two years (from six years to four years); giving the employer right to cancel, on its own initiative, the individual labour contract with the persons who reached the retirement age; exclusion of the compulsoriness of giving the individual labour contract a number from the unit’s register, etc. The head of state said that this draft law was aimed against the socially vulnerable categories of the society, mothers with many children, pensioners.  

The Moldovan president did not promulgate the law on energy, under which the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) is given right to work out its budget, which had been earlier approved by parliament, to independently establish the salaries. Igor Dodon has repeatedly said and also submitted a legislative initiative on capping the salaries and not allowing the fact that the salaries of the leaders of a state institution exceed the sum of 60,000 lei, etc. “The salaries in different state institutions, beginning with the regulatory ones and ending with the state enterprises and agencies, must not substantially exceed the wages of the teachers, physicians and other categories of specialists, who are really important for the country,” the head of state said.    

As for the draft on meal vouchers, Igor Dodon said that he conceptually agreed with such an approach, but, “as we know, bad things are hidden in details. A large-scale fiscal dodging is hidden behind an initiative which, at the first sight, seems to be noble. Moreover, there is already information that a company affiliated with the governance has been created to manage this process.” The head of state stressed that the notification by the specialized commission of the parliament, as well as the notifications by ministries were negative.   

The same thing refers also to other laws that were returned to parliament. All have at their basis solid arguments on why they had not been accepted.  

The Moldovan president unveiled, in annexes, answers to each draft law returned to parliament. He said that, in more sectors, especially in the ones dealing with the science, labour legislation and others, the situation would drastically worsen. “The governance, Parliament Speaker Candu and the entire parliamentary majority are to assume the consequences in case of the repeated adoption of these laws,” Igor Dodon said.