Moldovan president conveys message on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

President Nicolae Timofti today conveyed a message on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The message says:

„Along the series of horrors that marked the mankind, the Holocaust is an incomparable tragedy. The extermination of Jews in Europe by Nazi represents a black page of the history, written with the ashes of innocent victims of hatred and terror of a totalitarian regime.

Annually, on 27 January, the entire world commemorates the victims of this genocide. The Holocaust exterminated six million people and marked the destinies of other tens and hundreds of millions of persons.

After 70 years, the sufferings and persecutions, to which the Jewish nation was subjected, again bring to forefront the absurdity of actions improper to human beings, triggered by intolerance, hatred and non-acceptance of neighbours.

I convey my compassion to the victims and their families, who suffered in the wake of the Holocaust. Only the edifying a democratic society may be a shield for those tragic events never repeat.

Condemning today the Holocaust and, implicitly, violence and discrimination, we have the duty towards the memory of victims to reconfirm out attachment to the democratic values – respect for the dignity and freedom of human being, solidarity, equality and tolerance”.