Nicolae Timofti: SEECP, a true platform of dialogue for the countries of the region

President Nicolae Timofti participates in a summit of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), held in Tirana, Albania, the presidential press service has reported.

Heads of state and government from 12 member states brought together to identify new ways for cooperation in the South East Europe.

The main issues are related to the security of the member states, improvement of economic relations, political stability, support of democracy and professional justice.

In Tirana, Timofti had a meeting with Albanian President Bujar Nishani, with whom he discussed  the bilateral relations and situation in the region.

Timofti and Nishani agreed that the institutions from the two countries should cooperate in the trade sector at the European and regional level, in order to promote stability and partnership in South East Europe.

In a speech given at the SEECP summit, Timofti reiterated the importance of maintaining a stability climate in the region and pointed out Moldova's achievements in its European integration. The president said that the country would turn to good account the political association with the EU by consolidating the institutional legal framework in line with the EU standards, through economic growth and its contribution to regional security.

Timofti noted that the SEECP remained a true platform of dialogue for the countries of the region. "Cooperation between our states facilitated the reforms and achievements recorded in the European and Euro-Atlantic integration process", he said.

The participants in the event adopted a joint declaration, reaffirming their attachment to the democratic principles and values, that were at the basis of the launch of SEECP in 1996 and namely, law supremacy, market economy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The document stipulates that the EU enlargement and providing European and Euro-Atlantic perspective to the countries assuming the integration path represent a joint strategic interest both of the countries from South East Europe and European Union.

Also, the declaration points out the member states' commitment to cooperate, in order to combat violent extremism, organised crime, trafficking of weapons, human beings and terrorism.

The SEECP chairmanship, held  by Albania so far, is to be taken over by Bulgaria, - the  country that came up with the initiative to create this organisation.