Nicolae Timofti met the U.S. Ambassador to Moldova William H. Moser. The Head of State handed over to the Ambassador extracts from 17 judicial records of the Security and Intelligence Service archives on repressions against Jewish people in World War II

President of the Republic of Moldova Nicolae Timofti met today, 18 October current year, the U.S. Ambassador to Moldova William H. Moser. The Head of State handed over to the Ambassador extracts from 17 judicial records of the Security and Intelligence Service archives on repressions against the Jewish people during the World War II. The materials are to be exhibited at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

President Nicolae Timofti stressed the importance to find out and give media coverage to the historical truth about the Jewish nation’s tragedy during the latest world conflagration. “We have the moral duty to cast light on the tragic events of that time in order to prevent such inhuman acts in the future” Timofti said.

In this context, the president referred to the persecution and deportation by the Communist authorities of tens of thousands of ethnic Romanians from Bessarabia in the ’40 of the past century. „All Moldovan citizens must know and be aware of the drama that our nation went through in the Soviet times”, Timofti said.

Ambassador William H. Moser thanked for the support given by the Moldovan authorities in order to clear up the tragedy of the Jewish people. “This gesture, this transfer of data to the Holocaust Memorial Museum from Washington represents another symbolic act for the friendship and cooperation between the United States and the Republic of Moldova”, Moser said.

Attending the meeting also was the head of the Security and Intelligence Service Mihai Balan. Nicolae Timofti said that the competent bodies would continue the procedure of selecting and processing of the archives materials on the fate of Jews persecuted during the World War II.