Invitation for MEDIA!

On December 24, the inauguration ceremony of the President-elect of the Republic of Moldova, Ms Maia Sandu, will take place at the Palace of Republic.

The program of the solemn event includes the following official actions:

11.00 – joint solemn sitting of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the Constitutional Court. Taking of the Constitutional Oath

Palace of Republic, 16 Maria Cebotari street.

Registration of media representatives will take place from 09.30 till 10.30.


12.00 – laying flowers at the monument of Stefan cel Mare.


12.15 – transfer of power from the President of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Igor Dodon, whose mandate expires, to the President of the Republic of Moldova, Ms Maia Sandu. A military and protocol ceremony.

Presidence building, 154 Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt bd.

Registration of media representatives will take place from 11.00 till 12.00.


The media representatives will have access to the event only on the basis of prior accreditation and service cards (two representatives of each media per one official action)


In order to obtain accreditation at the event, you are kindly asked to send a letter of request from your media institution to [email protected] and [email protected].  The letter must indicate the persons who will participate (Last name/given name/position/contact number) specifying the official action, in which they will take part.


The deadline for accreditation applications is December 20, 14.00.


Accreditation cards can be taken at the headquarters of the State Protection and Guard Service starting with December 22, 2020.

81 A. Mateevici str, phone number +373 22 250 984