President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon and Vice-President of the Republic of Bulgaria Iliana Yotova had a working visit to the Taraclia District

Igor Dodon, together with Vice-President of the Republic of Bulgaria Iliana Yotova, visited Taraclia district - the residence place of Bulgarians minority in Moldova.

Senior officials met with the leadership of Taraclia.

"They took part in the opening of the representation of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA) in Taraclia - the national news agency of Bulgaria. This is an important step in the development of Moldovan-Bulgarian information and cultural relations „Igor Dodon said.

The head of state considers it extremely important to preserve Taraclia region as a unique "small homeland" of the Bulgarians of Moldova.

"I support the adoption of the law on the special ethno-cultural status of the Taraclia region, which was adopted by Parliament in the first reading in 2016.

This would be an important evidence of the triumph of the principles of multiculturalism and interethnic tolerance.

The strength of our people is in our ethnic diversity and mutual enrichment, " said the President of the Republic of Moldova.